
What is Lup?


"Lüp" is a really cool word when you have nothing else to say.

See also: moo and meh

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"




a massive big piece of shit

Ed 'what the fuck is that in your mouth'

Alex (muffled) 'a damn good meal'

Ed 'whats it called'

Alex 'Lup you fuckin lupper, don't you ever use ud'

See lup, lupper, poo, shit


The curves of the sacred feminine geometry. Not to be confused with fat. An important social movement consciously veering away from the emaciated I-can-see-your-ribcage, don't-feed-the-models, patriarchal standard of feminine beauty.

She puts the lup in voluptuous

See voluptuous, belly, feminine, love handles, soft, masala


to steal or rob, as in a mugging (used primarily by asian thugs)

yo, jay got lupped last night in flushing by some hispanic kids. let's find one and beat him up.


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