
What is Lurk?


On a messageboard or anything similar, to browse the board very often, but without ever posting anything.

That guy is always lurking, but he never posts.


To read without commenting or contributing, therefore effectively invisible to the rest of the group or community. Generally recommended for joining any forumso that you can observe rules, attitudes and prominent personalities without jumping in and breaking a rule, making an ass of yourself, or asking a question about something obvious that you would have learned for yourself if you’d paid attention in the first place.

Online equivalent of attentive listening before speaking; potentially the solution to all Internet faux pas.

That board will rip you a new one if you don't lurk before posting, man.

Lurk moar, n00b.

See lurking, lurker, delurk, 4chan, anonymous, internet, gtfo, noob


A person who, though standing with a group of "friends," fails to make conversation or say anything of interest. Commonly used as a derogatory term for someone quiet or untalkative.

A: Damn, that kid was such a lurk at the party!

B: Maybe he just didn't know anyone there.

See hella, good, entry, man, yeah


1.v action of sneakily creeping around in the shadows of a dark, dingy, underground location. describing a specific type of dubstep

3.a particular state induced by ketamine

4.devon's only dubstep radio station out for that wierdo lurking around over there by the speakers

2spa's remix of west coast rocks is a well lurky tune

3.I was lurking all night at that free party

4.LURKFM sundays 9-11pm

See lurking, lurker, lurkers, skanking, skankin, ketamine, k, dubstep, creep, sneak


watching someone as though you're stalking them, but at a less degree.

That guy was such a lurk!


When you look through someones profile, sometimes very repetively.

Katya: This guy is so hottttttt

LAPASHA: Dayumm, lets lurk him

See lurker, lurking, stalker, stalk, profile


To get in, and effectively ruin, someone else's photo. Can be whole body lurkage, or merely two fingers. Practiced by Bubbah in Germany.

Person 1: Oh, Bubbah you lurked my photo.

Bubbah: No I..

Person 1: Bubbah SHOOSH!

See ruin, germany, bub, shoosh


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