
What is Luscious?


sensually appealing

Goddamn, she has a luscious ass!


To either sound, smell, or look good.

The luscious sound of rock.

Perfume is a luscious smell.

She is just soooo luscious.


Sexually Appealing

Damn, she has some luscious hair!


1. deliciously full; bountiful

2. sexually appealing because of plumpness

Those are some luscious grapes you have there.

I'm sorry I drooled on you, but that girl's behind was just so luscious...

See delicious, lushious, disgusting, lovely, plump


that quality in a person/object that makes one long for that certain person/object

mmmmm...that blanket looks so luscious


that burger would be luscious in my belly


her body is so luscious

See soft, yummy, sexy, warm, plush


A Nickname for a bestie, that is ab-sol-utely Luscious in all ways known to man... Hot, friendly, sweet, empathetic, sympathetic, good value and fun!

She is sooooo Luscious, I just want to dunk her in my coffee

See sweet, hot, sexy, fun, friendly, kind, great


Juicy or sexy see also: Hellen Keller, blood, and whips.

"Wow, Hellen Keller is so luscious! I want to whip her 'till she bleeds!"

See luscious, juicy, sexy, hellen keller, blood, whips


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