
What is Lush?


one who becomes intoxicated after a few drinks and flirts with everyone

That freaking lush was all over my man after just one beer


British slang term to describe something pleasing or desirable.

"that girl is fucking lush"

"i had the most lush milkshake last night"

See Tim


somebody who drinks alot

"hey lush, have fun, its the weekend"

See Kat


Noun: A Person Who Drinks A Lot

And Gets Drunk Has Fun and Usally Gives It Up Easily

Your a Lush and I hate it


Hey Lush Have Fun Its the Weekend



If presented with an opportunity to drink shamelessly and in large quantities, and if in the mood for a drunken good time, a lush generally won’t pass up on it.

Its not that you're a lush ALL the time, but when given the opportunity, you're definately a lush.


Akin to a hedonist, a lush is a person that lives for pleasure; specifically, a person that spends alot of time intoxicated.

My uncle George is an unemployed, drunken lush.


British slang term to describe something pleasing.

"that girl is fucking lush"

See Tim


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