
What is Lut?


A pre-slut because is missing the S in SLUT, which stands for sex.

A flirtatious girl who has not lost her virginity, but acts like a slut

Don't be fooled by that lut, that bitch is innocent.

See ice


Coniving, slutty, attention seeker bitch who leads on men and breaks their hearts until she decides she wants them later on.

"look at that Lut!"

"God she's such a Lut!"

See flirt, virgin slut, skank


this is a common word used in colloquial french text messaging, and is a shorter way of saying the french word "salut" pronounced "lu".

(in an sms chat room)

Marie: bjr, Adele!! koi29?

Adele: lut, ca va?

See french, sms, slang


stands for love u too

carrie: i love you

chris: lut

See love, you, too, i, u


N: Leet crew of wordlooters. Common sight on wordZOG territory, jacking up wordAzN s, and just in general making a misery of peoples lives.

N: A UO guild that specializes in the extraction of unneeded valuables from corpses and the sale thereof said acquired goods at decent prices to prior owners.

See also wordroot, wordrooters, and "That dude who just took my hally, fucking Galad monkey."

I h4x j00 for LuT.

Gimme all your LuT.

UO is rove because of LuT. keke^^

See Benedict


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