What is Lyke?
a really stupid way to spell like, that only stupid kids use
lYkE, OmFg, ThAT gUy WuZ lYkE sO hAwt!
Chat speak for "like" usually used by lazy people, or people who want to look cool
LyKe WuT r U dOiN 2dAy????////
An alternative spelling to the word
Apparently, the people who type this way are either lazy because they don't want to type out the entire word, or are trying to be
0mg, lYk3, iF U typ3 lyke t4is, iT's n0t cut3, U juSt l00k sTupId.
Derives from a dumbass names Stephanie Davey. She thinks she is cool because she spells "like" with a "y" but she is really an idiot.
LyKe DoN't MaKe FuNnA Me!! HoW rUdE!
"Lyke", an ancient British word for "corpse", is related to the German leich and is the root from which came "lych", as in the Lych Gate of a church, which often had seats and a bench so both the coffin and the coffin bearers could rest before going into the burial ground or the church itself.
The Lyke Wake Walk is a forty-mile challenge walk, to be completed in under 24 hours and is situated on England's high North York Moors.
It's a supid way to spell "like" used by assholes with mental problems that thinks they're cool
Hey bro i lyke that bitch! ..I'ma beat u up asshole