Lylas, Lylab

What is Lylas, Lylab?


An acronym for "love you like a brother/sister" used for close friends for whom you feel a sibling-like bond. Often found in emails, text messaging, etc. Pronounced "LEE-LAS" or "LEE-LAB". Can be modified to fit certain situations,e.g "LYLAPG" for "Love you like a pet goldfish", etc. Also known as simply "Lyla" as a shortened version.

This word was invented by a group of friends in southern New Hampshire, to explain feeling sisterly or brotherly love without actually having to say the entire sentence.

Other word forms: Love You Sister-Wise, Love you Brother-wise.

As Josh left the building, he called out to his friends, "Lylas, Lylab!"

See brother, sister, friendship, love, school, conversation


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