What is Lyra?
Lyra is a small constellation in the night sky. The word Lyra comes from the Latin, Lyre (a harp). The most notable star is
In the movie K-Pax, Prot claims to be from a planet (K-Pax) which was located in the constellation Lyra.
Type Of Speech: Noun
1. Lyra_ is a nickname conjured by Danaroth. Main root is from xJol(lyRa)ncherx,
xJollyRancherx was also called, Jolly, anche (hips is latin) , Jorra and on occations J rancher.
2. lyra (ler-rah) is also a constellation in the sky,and or a group of stars.
Sentence Example:
2. "Hey look at that, you can see Lyra in the sky!
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