
What is Mackenzie?


A beautiful girl. the name mackenzie itself means 'little princess.' she's quick-witted and very funny, she can be very charming. she also can be the biggest bitch you'll know,and doesn't take shit from anyone. she's a little crazy,but in the end you love her anyway.

ya know mackenzie? yeahhh shes pretty FANTASTIC!

See beautiful, funny, charming, fun


an extemely gorgeous girl. a princess, and someone who will always be there for you

sheeshhh, i love her, shes just like a mackenzie

See hot, kenzie, gurl, baby, mack


An extremely gorgeous girl that is beyond cool and is really well known in multiple states because of her total awesome-ness

"So dude, youre dating Mackenzie?" -- Mitch

"Yeah man, shes so awesome!" -- JD

See babe, awesome, horny, taken, hot, beautiful, cool


a silly girl who is someone that takes a few looks to notice that she's beautiful. she can be a clumsy, embarrassed klutz sometimes but it adds to her attractiveness in a damsel in distress sort of way. she knows how to stand up for herself and earns what she gets. she loves music and dance. she is smart and has an good attitude.

"hey who's that?" Robert

"wait who?" Lucy

" the pretty one who just ran into the door. it was quite funny" Robert

"oh thats just mackenzie haha" Lucy

See clumsy, attractive, attitude, silly, beautiful, smart, dance, music


no doubt the most amazing girl ever. so cool and funny. sometimes she doesnt know how amazing and hot she is, but she definitly is 100% amazing, classy, sexy as fuck, smart, cool and fun. someone you can love to death.

mackenzie- I have 875 friends on facebook

steph- thats because everyone is in love with you

See makenzie, cool, hot, sexy, amazing, gr8


Hot, funny, girl who just wants to have fun. Usually likes to dance and has a texting obsession. Everyone wants to be her friend. Mostly boys though but girls get very jealous and think she's a bitch. Guys always look at her and dump there girlfriends for her. Is sometimes a klutz and runs into things. Also loves soda.

Guy 1: Hey who is that cute girl that just walk into that door?

Guy 2: Oh, thats Mackenzie isn't she cute?

Girl 1: No, she's a freaking bitch. She's a man stealer!

Guy 2: She is hot!! I'm going out with her!

Guy 1: No you are not going out with her, I am so back off she mine!

Girl 1: Hey your not even aloud to go out with her your mine baby.

Guy 1: I would so dump u for her sweetie.

See hot, lover, funny, fantastic, klutz


An Amazing, Super funny, Girl who can make anyone laugh! She Attends manymany concerts, and everyone LOVES her with a burning passion. Very Attractive and a blond bombshell!! Everyone wants to be close friends with mackenzie but too bad...she already has her besties for life!!

Oh Wow!! That Girls really A Mackenzie!

See amazing, super, funny, attractive, blond


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