
What is Mackometer?


A half-imaginary instrument formed by bending both arms inward at the elbow and placing the right over the left, then using the right arm as a meter needle (much like on a speedometer) to measure the level of "mackage" that one person (usually a guy) is doing towards another (usually a girl, hopefully).

Once the mack-o-meter reaches an approximately 20-25 degrees angle, the mack can be "called" as so desired; anything before it is in direct violation of Man Law.

This noun can be pronounced "Mack-O-Meter" (mak-oh-mete-er) or "mackometer" (mak-om-ett-er); usuage is contextual.

Big Country: *quickly assembled mackometer at full meter with arms* Uh oh, Padilla, MACKING!

Padilla: Shut up!

Todd: Oh no no no, that mack was fairly called in accordance with the Man Laws.

Padilla: Fine...

See mack-o-meter, man law, big country, todd, mack, macking, mackage


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