
What is Mac-o-phobia?


The great fear and paranoia of Apple's Macintosh Computers and all related software, hardware, logos, etc.

Kurt Dukatz is Macophobic.


Used to describe those who fear and can't stand Macintosh and cannot in most cases be in the same room as said operating system. Being near a Mac may cause shivering, heavy breathing and eventual fainting. There is, at the moment no known cure for Mac-o-phobia though being near other operating systems like Windows or Linux does seem to lessen the symtoms though is in no means a cure. Though Mac-o-Phobia is rare due the large amount of Windows operating systems, sufferers are becoming more common as Macs market share has begun to grow. Clearly more research on the phobia is needed.

Unfortunatly Heather had Mac-o-phobia and fainted in the edit suite.

See mac, apple, fear, hate


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