What is Macro?
Ok the people here obviously don't know what a macro is. A macro is a funny picture with a caption in it. Usually used on forums. Macros can be made completely from scratch. Or could be just a still shot of something and someone just adds the caption in. Macro can be made from anything. Real life, Anime, Video games. Macros are just funny pictures with a caption (usually using internet speak such as "lol wut?") That are usually used on internet forums.
It's retarded that no one on urban dictionary knows what a macro is.
A computer program which preforms a repetitive task (Can record keystrokes and clicks)
I used a macro so i wouldnt have to do so much work.
In strategical games macro is the skill of making sufficient units all the time, without having further problems by this. In order to have a good macro, you need speed and a good eco.
If someone were to produce a tank every 15 seconds while he is busy dealing with actual battles and
Nada's macro is so gosu, he manages to outnumber all his enemies
noun: a program that allows the player of an MMORPG computer game to leave the computer alone while his game character does menial, repetitive work. These programs are illegal, but widely used, because the kind of tedious labor they perform for you is quite maddening over time. A "macroer" is a player using such a program.
If you use a macro, you can mine coal without even being at your machine!
Heh, wasn't it funny when that macroer's axe broke and he just kept trying to cut down the tree?
Something that is way cool. Too big to be described as merely "awesome". Opposite of micro.
Did you see that movie? That shit's way macro.
A shitty image with text whose shittiness either far exceeds the shittiness of the image or is somewhat comparable.
Someone who carries the obsessive compulsive disorder of Not Shutting Up (NSU). Believes to be a an all star human that has the highest of intelligence but is often laughed at for his lack of common sense and true idiocy. If he would be quiet once in awhile, people make enjoy his company.
Dude, that guy has way too much macro going on.