Mad Minute

What is Mad Minute?


The term "Mad Minute" did not originate with the Vietnam War. It originated from British Army infantry skill-at-arms training from just before World War 1, when an infantryman - during what would today be called his Annual Personal Weapons Test, or APWT - had to get at least 15 hits on a 300 yard target in 60 seconds. No mean feat with a bolt-action rifle fed from a 10-round magazine normally loaded from 5-round stripper clips (and thus needing to be reloaded during the practice). This is why the German Army in the opening battles of WW1 frequently thought they were facing machinegun fire when they were mainly up against infantrymen with bolt-action .303 Lee Enfields on rapid fire.

The "mad minute" was used by, amongst others, author Michael Herr in "Despatches", in that case to describe periods of intense automatic weapons fire during the Vietnam War. Also used to describe any short period of frenetic activity.

See shooting


A math game given to elementary school students to help them learn their multiplication tables.

The premise of the game, is that you are given three rows of ten basic multiplicaton problems, in which you are supposed to answer as many as you can in sixty seconds. If you manage to finish them all, you move on to 4, 5, and 6 rows.

I was the Mad Minute champion in grade school.


Derived from G.I.s during the Vietnam war; a situation where every available weapon was fired as much as possible at anything that could conceivably be a target for one minute. Good for discouraging base-infiltrating NVA troops and clearing LZs as well as blowing off steam.

No, Vietnam’s mad minute’s not a math drill

Designed to master number facts skill

Mad minutes discourage infiltration by NVA

Encroaching on encampments night and day

Mad minutes into irate wild wood bestow

Such a fantastic light show.

See mad, minute, firearms, vietnam, war


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