
What is Madam?


a former prostitute who now runs her own escort service by hiring hookers and pimps

I was a streewalker but ever since last year I am a madam and i make better $$$

See kira


A slang name for the drug MDMA, the pure form of the drug ecstacy.

Mate, if you're picking up could you grab me a few bombs worth of madam??

See mdma, madam, ecstacy, drug, rave


1)An ex-hooker whose pimp is no longer with her. 2)A woman with a tendency to use exaggeration for personal gain and manipulation. 3)Prostitutional waste.

woman#1: Pretty call girls can make $3000 a night with no hassle and no pimp.

woman#2: Yeah right. Excuse me, Madam.

See anon


a crazy wee hippy chick calle adam who lives in Dundee

mad mad madam is a crazy bird


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