What is Madera?
little town in the middle of california. people say it is hotter than hell and hella cold. but this is my kind of town. not much to do, but the people are cool and easy going
madera is the shit
a small town in central california thats used for conducting studies on teen fertility and the burning question... what happens when the mexican majority get drivers licenses, cases of beer, boxing lessons, and a catholic upbringing.
If you ever drive through madera it's recomended that you keep that you have a mouthful of cyanide capsules, so if your car breaks down you can save yourself the trouble of dealing with anything maderan by chomping down.
whenever i pass by a sewage treatment plant i think of madera.
In Spanish slang, the police
Estábamos de botellón y vino la madera a cortarnos el rollo
We were binge-drinking and the fuzz turned up to fuck it all