
What is Magazine?


A container used for holding rounds of ammunition. It can be both fixed or detachable. They can be loaded manually, or by using a speed-loader or a stripper clip.

The M16A2 typically uses a 30 detachable-box magazine.


When your automatic pistol runs out of ammunition, drop the magazine.

See Grant


A controlling device used by the corporate masses of America to brainwash teenaged girls and turn them into clones of Hilary Duff and Anna Nicole Smith, usually by means of advertising skanky clothing and expensive shoes and stating (subliminally, of course) that if you do not buy and wear these "stylish" fashions, you will be attacked and mauled by 14-year-old teenyboppers with push-up bras and perfectly manicured fingernails.

Ashley: "Like OH MY GOD! I totally have to buy this miniskirt or I will be devoured by the general public!"

Michelle: "Yeah, I know! Let's go to the mall and buy pink underwear!"

See Jennifer


1. A container, which holds ammunition. Unlike a clip, they can be freely removed from the weapon, without ejecting the clip altogether, if such a procedure is able to be executed at all.

Often times, they are confused with "clips." A "clip" is an exposed container of ammunition, always in the form of a stripper clip for rifles and semi-automatic handguns, or a speed-loading clip for revolvers. Saying "clip," rather than "magazine," instantly qualifies you as an ignoramous. Don't do it.

2. A soft, paper booklet, which is sized in standard paper, commonly. Most magazines concern the mundane, such as homes, cars, jewelry, or celebrities. If you read the latter, you are a doucher who is to be exterminated, via firing squad.

1. Call it a clip again, you son of a bitch, and I'll bash your fucking head in with this here magazine, until the trauma has rendered you in a comatose, if not dead, and the rounds have all discharged into your ear, or are on the ground.

2. Playboy and Penthouse are such splendid magazines, though I too like PCGamer US.

See magazine, clip


A storage place for munitions or explosives. In firearms, A Supply Camber, As A Space In, OR Container On A Firearm From Which Cartridges Are Feed

A magazine (mag) is NOT a clip nor should it be called a clip! All single barreled multi-shot weapons have a magazine. Very few directly use clips.

Gang bangers and cops confuse clips for magazines. Load your magazines.

See ammunition, firearms, feed, storage, clip


Slang in Centerville for a really big zine. Usually fake in nature.

"Wow! That guy's zine looks like 5 of mine! He must have a magazine"

"I discovered his zine was a magazine when I attempted to chop it off. My knife broke!"

See badas, nadas, zine


Verb: To Magazine

To be up on celebrity gossip and happenings, things generally written about in celeb magazines such as Heat and OK

Gareth: i can't, mainly because i don't really care enough about them to be bothered, but *shrug* i geuss you're right what with your magazining

Nat: i don't magazine at all.. although i have been know to magazine in my younger days

See celebrity, heat, ok, gossip, people


to covertly back out of a plan at the last minute.

hitting on a girl when her boyfriend suddenly appears; magazine! magazine!

See afc, chode


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