
What is Magilla?


magilla is a single word derived from 'grilled flake', a form of cooked gummy shark available from Australian fish an chip shops. The development of the word was progressive, and follows the logical order of Grilled flake, which is cooked on a griller, to the rhyme of ' Magilla Gorilla,' a well known cartoon gorilla that once inspired a little girl to ask the question, " How much is that gorilla in the window?", and finally arived at 'magilla' for the sake of efficiency. Magilla if often 'padded out' with batter to make the fish appear larger than it actually is.

"I'll have a magilla and 6 clevos..", which translates to "can you buy me a piece of grilled flake and six steamed dimsums please?"

See fish, flake, shark, fast food


A woman who doen't shave her legs or armpits. aka Rapunzel,Lady Tarantula

Duuuuuude!! Like check out that Magilla in the tight shorts!

See woman, nair, hairy, shave


as in magilla gorilla

a black person, spear chucker

See Baphomet


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