
What is Magnet?


a student enrolled in a magnet program, specifically math and sciences, that has a dumb sense of humor and few if not no practical social skills. magnet students remain fixated on school during all aspects of their life, often stressing to the point of what borders on an anxiety attack.

magnet students females in particular can be associated with the phrase "oh my god i failed that test" followed shortly by a grade of 95% or higher.

magnet males can be associated with a sick sense of humor and an inability to understand any and all forms of humor with the exception of math and calculator oriented, black people, and homosexual oriented jokes, and these only in short "one-liners" or inappropriate physical displays unbecoming of students in high school.

the typical magnet student is very clicky with other magnet students and branches out only slightly to other groups, mostly through common functions such as orchaestra or CTY.

an essential of any true magnet student is a xanga website customized with special html

"that magnet student wishes the teacher to call him charizard during class."

"which magnet student?"

"the one putting the I LOVE DICKS sign on that kid's back"

See voltaire


1. Common term for students enrolled in specialty programs usually dealing with math, science, and computer science.

2. Attractive (not THAT kind of attractive) or repellent substance.

1. Look at that backpack! It's HUGE! He must be a magnet.

2. Put the magnet on the fridge, yo.


Anything that attracts something. Can be literal or something like chick magnet. Most magnets can attract metal to it.

If strong enough

1.Throw it at someone with a pacemaker.

2.Leave it on train tracks

3.Drop it from a bridge over a freeway and hope it rips through a car roof and penetrates the driver.

4.Crushing people

Dude, she put 2 really strong magnets between my nuts. I'm sure the results are obvious.

See death, misery, fun, painful, cool


a kid who is enrolled in a magnet program, usually bogged down with piles upon piles of work in science, math and the like. Rarely has a chance to be social due to 'too much homework.'

Nick Wolf is a magnet student.

See sue


Program for "gifted students", but of course, some retards slip through the cracks. Magnet programs usually center around math, and science. Full of super-nerds and dorks. Although the education is excellent, the piles and piles of homework given to the students has transformed most of the already semi-losers to complete mole-like anti-social loners. Fortunately, some magnet students have managed to juggle magnet and other activities so as to not be a complete loser.

-Hey is that kid in magnet?

-Can't u tell by the huge calculator he has and how he has no friends?

See mag fag, nerd, dork, geek, calculator


A student enrolled in a magnet program specifically involving math and sciences, who has a dumb sense of humor and few if not no practical social skills. Magnet students remain fixated on school during all aspects of their life, often stressing to the point of what borders on an anxiety attack.

Magnet students (females in particular) can be associated with the phrase "oh my god I failed that test" followed shortly by a grade of 95% or higher.

Magnet males can be associated with a sick sense of humor and an inability to understand any and all forms of humor with the exception of math and calculator oriented, black people, and homosexual oriented jokes, and these only in short "one-liners" or inappropriate physical displays unbecoming of students in high school.

The typical magnet student is very “cliquey” with other magnet students and branches out only slightly to other groups, mostly through common functions such as orchestra or CTY.

“That magnet student wishes the teacher to call him charizard during class."

"which magnet student?"

"the one putting the I LOVE DICKS sign on that kid's back"

See voltaire


A guy who attracts a lotta girls. Short for chic-magnet.

Oh yeah, he's a real magnet.

See magnet, pimp, playah, player


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