What is Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Object?


A ball of hot and compact magnetized plasma held in equilibrium against its self-gravity by radiation pressure rather than gas pressure. A MECO is so extremely

compact that its own radiation quanta move in almost closed

orbits due to self-gravity. Therefore, though the MECO

is extremely hot and luminous to a local observer it

appears as almost ``Black'' to astronomers. According to

Abhas Mitra, an Indian astrophysicist, and several other astrophysicists, the so-called ``Black Hole Candidates'' are actually MECOs rather than true Black Holes.

The massive ``Black Hole Candidate'' Sgr A* at the center

of Milkyway galaxy is likely to be a magnetospheric eternally collapsing object (MECO).

See eco, meco, black hole, quasar


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