Main Character

What is Main Character?


Usually the character in a story of any kind, book, movie, TV show, who has the most importance in the story and does the most to support the plot. Most of the action should follow the main character.

*Something that animes such as Naruto and Bleach do not have*

Hermione Granger is a main character; Harry Potter should have been cast as an extra (supporting character at best)

Naruto has about 15 main characters; not a single one of them are developed enough to actually have an important role in the story. Naruto has the fox, without him, Naruto would be useless. Sasuke has the cool eyes now thanks to Itachi, without Itachi, Sasuke would be useless. The Hokages all suck, every other ninja is pretty much pointless. The anime should be called Itachi, instead of Naruto.

"I really dislike authors that make stories without a main character; that way you have no way of bsing on a quiz over reading. Usually you just write down the first name you see on the back of the book"

"Why is the series called Harry Potter? He doesn't really do anything apart from not listen to Hermione"

"I agree completely, they should change all of the books to Hermione Granger and...blah blah... featuring Harry Potter"

See naruto, harry potter, anime, plot, story


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