What is Main Drug Source In America?


U.S goverment! getting our money both ways! Back in the late 70's, early 80's when crack cocaine first started showing up, it was distributed in tiny glass viles. I'm sure someone knows exactly what I'm talking about. Anyways, why wasn't there ever a huge crack bust back when it all began? It was almost ALL in these tiny viles.aning someone was buying a hell of a lot of them from somewhere. Why didn't the government track who was buying all these little viles and bust them? I know why. Because it was the government who was distrubuting the crack. Sure, now days people can make crack in their own kitchens. But back when it all started, I think it was the government. They did it to help pay off the Vietnam "War"

Iraq & Afganistan (drugs have become larger in this era)


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