
What is Mainekria?


The epitome of power. The very height of strength as the bounds of this universe allow, and then some. To all who have ever ventured to improve themselves for the purpose of surpassing someone else, know this: it is Mainekria you strive to become, it is he who looks down upon your valiant but ultimately futile attempts to measure up to his greatness, and it is he who will pass final judgement against you.

I'm Mainekria, bitch!

"What is the best part about being Mainekria?"

"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women."

See mainekria, strength, power, e-peen, self improvement, poop


The epitome of power. The very height of strength as the bounds of this universe allow, and then some. To all who have ever ventured to improve themselves for the purpose of surpassing someone else, know this: it is Mainekria you strive to become, it is he who looks down upon your valiant but ultimately futile attempts to measure up to his greatness, and it is he who will pass final judgement against you.

"What is the best part about being Mainekria?"

"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women."

See maine, mainekria, warcraft, wow, power, strength


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