
What is Mainframe?


Mainframe is IBM's registered trademark for their operating systems involving the origin of virtually everything on a normal PC. You name it, it was used for mainframe. They are bulky, huge, everything is mammoth size for mainframes. The movies depict truth in this respect only (about size, for eg Charlie's Angels features a really big mainframe with high security). But mainframes although involved in number crunching like monsters, they dont have sportive GUI like windows as they show in movies

Mainframes really rock...hmmmmmmmmm

See Mr.T


What stupid people think computers are made of.

Wow, you build computers? You mean you build the mainframe and everything?

My computer doesn't work, I think there's something wrong with the mainframe.

See mainframe, main, frame, mainfame, fame


uber-technical term used by shyster versign when describing docking stations.

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

See av


Uber 1337 Machinist faction in MxO

Wow, the Mainframe kicked my ass.

See Post


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