What is Major Lee "apollo" Adama?


One of the main characters in the wonderful television show Battlestar Galacticawho is the CAG (commander of the air group) of said ship. The actor who plays him is so beautiful that viewing him on screen sometimes causes Bamberitis. While currently married to Lt. Dualla, AKA Dee, there is a huge fan following for a relationship between him and Captain Kara "Starbuck" Thrace. In fact, in the original series aired in the 70's, Starbuck was played by a man. Apparently the two pilots had a sexual vibe despite both being men, as seen in the copious amounts of slash fanfiction. This may have led to Starbuck's gender change.

"Oh, Lee, Lee!" - Captain Kara Thrace to Gaius Baltar during sex while imagining Major Lee "Apollo" Adama

See battlestar galactica, fanfiction, starbuck


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