Major Nelson

What is Major Nelson?


The programming director or director of programming for Xbox Live. Legend has it that he is the coolest person ever. His name is derived from "I Dream of Jeanie", all I can say about that is wow...he's so cool and I personally couldn't "Dream of being as cool as Major Nelson". Major Nelson is also like the Prime Minister of the Xbox Forums (a non-Union job for Micosoft by the way). Major Nelson therefore has the ability to moderate the topics posted by those who are members of the forums, and according to Ghost Hunter he can even "pull topics". One day I might become on of the elite members of his friends list. It's very difficult because there is a maximum of 100friends that a member of Xbox Live can have. There is only one way to become a friend of MJ and that is to send a voice message detailing why you are worthy along with the friend request...after that it's in God's hand and there's nothing you can do (sry to tell you so). Finally if you want help from Major Nelson you must post a thread with the topic starting with "MNQ". For the un-hip this means "Major Nelson Question". However, if you make a bad topic such as "MNQ: Who was the first rapper" you're topic will be pulled, but atleast I'll laugh. I'd like to close with a quote by Major Nelson. Here goes nothing, "Last week was a lot of fun...we gave out a ton of t-shirts!". All I can say is astounding. To review Major Nelson equals "Half-Man, Half-GerMAN, but 100% (insert witty word for topic-puller)" or maybe it's Half-Man, Half-Heart murmuring. On a side note Major Nelson I hope this definition has proved that I am cool enough to be able to kick off someone from your friends list so that I can own a spot. Some people think that the abbreviation for Major Nelson is MNQ when in fact that means Major Nelson if you want to tell off Major Nelson call him by his incredible name and not his name PLUS Question, because then you look inconsiderate. On a final note Major Nelson is not a fan of our group we call xChat (see 2nd definition about the dashboard chat). But that does not take away from his cool-osity (my word for cool to the nth power). Major Nelson is also the creator of R&R gaming for Xbox Live. The brilliant (I actually mean that) idea behind R&R is to realize that gaming is all about fun, therefore all games are played by a group of people late at night and from what I hear Major Nelson plays with this group, and DOESN'T pull the plug. To me this sounds almost as much fun as chatting while watching the NBA Finals or Caroline in the City. To close I'd like to say too Major Nelson that I hope you and all the Forum-ers enjoyed this definition and I really do respect you, so don't be offended by any of it. *I salute you*

MNQ: Why did you pull the plug in SC:PT?

MNQ: What do I do to avoid Lupis (for those who don't know; Lupis is a dreadful skin disease that George Castanza once thought he had on the hit show "Seinfeld")?

MNQ: How do I now if a canteloupe is ripe?

A good example would be this:

Bryson: Hey will Major Nelson be around for R&R gaming tonight...?

Nancy: I hope so B-Man.

Bryson: I told you already I want to be called "Bryson the Byson".

See you on R&R tonight Major Nelson, peace.

As my friend Mike would say:

"MNQ: I OWN you, sry"...that sums it all up. Actually Mike would say I own you MNQ...which doesn't make sense and you can see why if you read the ENTIRE deifinition and did't just scroll down to the example like a slacker.

See El Barto


Major Nelson(19??)-(20??)- is a man of many worlds.well really just three.They are real life,xbox live,and his beloved forums.Most people want to be like him,some want to marry him,and some just want to be on his friends list.Whatever the case may be Major Nelson can cook like the best.You havent had a hotpocket until you had Major's Nelsons hotpocket.While he may be considered a god on the forums his powers are to no avail in real life.While he was a rocker and is still considered one he has gotten many of ladies and seems to be the crowd favorite he has changed his work habit to be in a forum inhabited by sweaty gamers with no ac.Rock on Major Nelson.Rock on!!!

MNQ-Major Nelson Question

MNDQ-Major Nelson I Have A Dumb Question


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