What is Make A Thread About It?


A commonly used reply on mx to stupid or whiny posts. Users of the phrase would eventually become victims of the ban-axe, but it resurfaced in a particularly hilarious thread, when a user retold an event of his day whence he had told an obese, obnoxious girl to "make a thread about it" whatever she was bitching about, which was interpreted as "have a period about it". User got in major trouble with authority. We laughed. The thread inspired others to admit to using web language by accident in real life. We laugh at them (me) too.

tears_fall452: Man guys, my girlfriend broke up with me, and now I can't focus. I'm crying constantly, and I can't think of anything to pull myself out. What should I do?

Strum:{QUOTE=tears_fall452}Man guys, my girlfriend broke up with me, and now I can't focus. I'm crying constantly, and I can't think of anything to pull myself out. What should I do?


Make a thread about it.

Oh and die you emo bastard.

Eggo:{QUOTE}Make a thread about it.

Oh and die you emo bastard.{/QUOTE}

refl 123

See insult, flame, mx, musicianforums, classic


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