Make Hate

What is Make Hate?


"To Make Hate" - An expression of modern slang describing intercourse where one party experiences a certain Schadenfreuden in the sexual defilement and domination of the other. It is meant to illustrate the conflciting emotions of sexual attraction and deep antipathy that one may simultaneously hold for the same individual. For example, a man who experiences strong physical attraction to an angry far left wing feminist sociology sutdent would wish to "make hate" to her. This term is believed to be coined by Angelo Ginakos or Clayton Thatcher.

Dude, that gothic neo-feminist social worker chick is so hot i'd like to make hate to her all night long

See sex, making love, intercourse


To "Make Hate" - An expression of modern slang describing intercoursewhere one party experiences a certain Schadenfreuden in the sexual defilement and domination of the other. It is meant to illustrate the conflciting emotions of sexual attraction and deep antipathy that one may simultaneously hold for the same individual. For example, a man who experiences strong physical attraction to an angry far left wing feministsociology sutdent would wish to "make hate" to her. This term is believed to be coined by Angelo Ginakos or Clayton Thatcher.

Dude, that gothic neo-feminist social worker chick is so hot i'd like to make hate to her all night long

See sex, making love, domination, hate, fucking, rough sex


"To Make Hate" - An expression of modern slang describing intercourse where one party experiences a certain Schadenfreuden in the sexual defilement and domination of the other. It is meant to illustrate the conflciting emotions of sexual attraction and deep antipathy that one may simultaneously hold for the same individual. For example, a man who experiences strong physical attraction to an angry far left wing feminist sociology sutdent would wish to "make hate" to her. This term is believed to be coined by Angelo Ginakos or Clayton Thatcher.

Dude, that gothic neo-feminist social worker chick is so hot i'd like to make hate to her all night long

See gothic sex, domination, rough sex


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