Make It Drizzle

What is Make It Drizzle?


When you have no bills at the strip club or are too cheap to spend them, you throw your change of pennies, nickels, etc.

I make it drizzle on them hoes

See make it drizzle, rain, stip, club, hoes


when someone who does not have the $ to "make it rain" they instead make it "drizzle" by throwing a handful of change in the air instead of dollar bills.

Stripper 1: "Hey baby, you gonna make it rain in here tonight?"

Me: "Sorry baby im broke, but i will make it drizzle."

See make it rain, making it rain


Similar to "making it rain" by throwing dollar bills, but because one cannot afford to throw dollar bills, they throw pennies or nickels instead. Making it drizzle also puts less of a dent in your wallet and is usually practiced by those who have not made it big time yet.

I make it rain, you make it drizzle.

See make, it, rain, snow, drizzle


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