What is Malakia?
The act of masturbation
Molis twra travhxa mia petuxhmenh malakia.
Holly shit, I pulled a malakia and my jism went on my laptop.
Greek Slang
"Malakia" (abstract noun, plural "malakies") is used as
-The literal act of masturbation
-A slang word for semen specifically produced by that act.
-It also can be used to describe nonsense.
-An item considered worthless
-A mistake, or (ironically and degradingly) a time-consuming non-productive action. The parallel exists since these actions are a way to consume excessive energy and satisfy a desire, more or less like wanking.
The use of "malakia" to mean "masturbation" traces back to Medieval Greek. It is used in this sense in the Life of St. Andrew the Fool and in the Life of St. Niphon, both of which date to the tenth century.
My cock is swollen I had 10 malakia (es) today
Do not believe in what he is saying he is talking makakia (es)
Your new car is a big malakia
I am doing malakia instead of working I am publishing greek slang on urban dictionary
1)slang; To make a sexy time explosion (masturbation) on yourself.
2)Originally, a harsher way of describing a dumb mistake. All Greeks use this word so much that it is common.
1)George K: Manoli! You've been in the bathroom for 3 hours, what are you doing in there, a malakia?
Manoli: Ughh!! Ughhh!! Ahh, one more minute malaka (see definition for malaka). Ughhhhh!!!!!......
2)Damn it, I made a malakia by not investing in Google's IPO!!!