
What is Malay?


Insists that they are Bumiputra(native)and should have more privileges aka 80%quota to universities,Malay-only scholarships,Malay-only houses,Malay-only land,etc etc but doesn't realise that the Chinese and Indians have been there WAYYYYYYYYY before the colonization era;and the Malays themselves are not local,they are actually a South Chinese origin.Don't belive me?Many Malays have a surname Wan-for example Wan Abdullah,Wan Ahmad,Wan Noraini.Clearly a Chinese one no?The Orang Aslis are the REAL natives because they have been living in Malaysia since the Stone Ages,but ironically they are not entitled to any Bumiputra privileges.

A race who claims to be friendly,but clearly shows great xenophobia when a non-malay neighbour moves in,and taxi drivers have been known not to take black people.They hate Jewish people a lot,because of their Muslim religion.In fact Jewish tourists who have been to Malaysia pretend they are Caucasian.

In class,they are the dumbest dumbest of the lot.Yet they get admitted to public universities 80% of the time thanks to the racist goverment.As a result they graduated unemployed because their English sucks and,but turn the tables around and say that the employers are racist.They blame their pathetic pampered lives on other people(other races?)and not the fact that they are too lazy and dependent to acheive sucess.

Next time,don't ask why the majority of Malaysian overseas students in Britain are not malay.


A race that resides mainly in Malaysia but can be found in Singapore, Brunei and other countries. Makes up the majority of the population in Malaysia. Interestingly enough although they claim to be natives of the country, they do not actually originate from Malaysia. Even so they are given many privileges, including housing, education and business contracts over the other races. They also seem to perform poorly acedemically and in a general consensus taken in 1998 from all high schools, they was a worrying gap between their grades as compared to the other races. However, they remain an integral part of the community as they make up the majority of the manual labour work force.

Malaysia consists of many races, mainly malay, chinese and indian.

Zakaria is a malay girl.

See malay, malaysian, malaysia, country, race


I’m not malay. But been living with them almost whole my life. I first realised that malay are rediculous when I entered UiTM in West M’sia. My perception toward them changed. I aggree that they’re lazy in so many things & talk big but do less. I always feel frustrated when dealing with them either in government or private sector & most of the time I end up push them or scold them. If government dont have a policy to help them, i think they’re end up jobless. Malays are too emotional than rationale in handling issues.

from my personal experiences!! malays are too dependant on our stupid REALLY REALLY STUPID RACIST government

See malay, iban, kadazan, sabah, malaysians, perak, skinhead, kerek, poyo, chinese, indians, indian, chinks


1) the language used by the human-orangutan hybrid race in


with influences from Sanskrit, English, Tamil, and


2) the ingenous race of Malaysia

kalau tak kutuk dorang mana nak perasan..sebab sebok tunggu kene suap ngan kerajaan. Anak emas la katakan..

Melayu malas sebab kita boleh lihat bertapa KEBANYAKAN bangsa ini tidak mampu bersaing ke tahap yang boleh dibanggakan. Itu poin saya! Kalau di Malaysia, bangsa Melayu dapat kemudahan lebih dari bangsa lain, nak bersaing apa lagi yek? Tak payah bersaing, Melayu dapat apa yang dorang nak, kerajaan sure bagi..

Awak nampak tak?

Saya kutuk bukan sebarang kutuk. Saya kutuk dengan sebab. Telinga orang Melayu tipikal macam awak, macam saya juga, memang mudah mendidih, sakit hati. Bukan main lagi saya kutuk habisan bangsa saya sendiri..tapi ini sekadar nak menyedari kesalahan and kelemahan kita. Kita kena sedar, kita kene terima, kita kene ubah, kita kene baiki!

Myojo, awak bicara bodoh sombong dan berfikiran tertutup..kritikan tak semestinya menghina! Mungkin awak tak pernah terlintas bahawa ada kritikan juga yang membina. pokoknya, bagaimana kita terima and buat sesuatu mengenainya!

bodoh sombong and berfikiran tertutup..

So.. Itu lah dia MELAYU!

See malay, malaysia, country, race


Every race in Malaysia has its own weaknesses. The chinese are known to be very civil, disciplined and sometimes too hardworking. The malays are known to be too lazy. A chinese who gets his/her pay, will tend to keep it for emergency or future use. A malay in the other hand, would usually spend it immediately. There are nice malays out there but really hard to find.

There are chinese who act like malays. Malays who act like chinese.

See malay, malaysians, skinhead, chinese


malay is the majority race in MALAYSIA that gave the Chinese and Indians (who were immigrants, brought it by British) the right to vote and citizenship in this beautiful country. just imagine if the malays didnt give those chinese voting rights and citizenship? THEY WILL HAV NO LAND AND NO COUNTRY TO BELONG TOO!

but sadly, modern chinese in malaysia nowadays have forgotten these. In fact, teenage chinese didnt even know the fact that their race are actually immgigrants here like the Indonesians, and bangladesh in current time.

all becoz their great grandfather refused to admit the real history.

simply interview any chinese teenage anywer u found on the street and ask them la. in malay words "LUPA DARATAN", or "TAK KENANG BUDI"

See malay, malaysia, chinese, indon


old malay is lazy, afraid to change.superstitious, even they denied it actually they do it. old malay who gain power always corrupt and cannot accept criticism, easyly flip with small matter.

new malay we can take criticism, we work ur ass out to make living in multi national enviroment. to be prejudis with some of the people who are bad are wrong. if say some say the ppl are good i bet u can find some of them in jail.

malay chinese indian. all human are the same u cut they bleed red. what the diff is idealogy.

nothing can be gain by killing other

See malay, malaysia, mla


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