What is Male Pattern Blindness?
Male Pattern Blindness / Pattern Male Blindness - A condition that afflicts men in which they are in a situation where a woman is giving every signal he needs to make a successful close but he does not notice. Later on, he may finally realize his blunder but the realization comes too late.
A girl might give a guy IOI's (indicators of interest) such as touching his arm, playing with her hair, or laughing at his unfunny jokes. A guy with male pattern blindness, usually due to lack of confidence, assumes she is just being nice when in actuality she wants him to hit on her / kiss her / fuck her / etc...
When a man will search for hours to find something that is laying out in the open on a table. Items are often easily found by a women.
Man: "I have been searching for hours for keys."
Woman: "You mean the ones sitting there on the coffee table?"
Man: "Where?"
Woman: "Right there in the middle of that table."
Man: "oh, must have been Male Pattern Blindness"