
What is Malu?


Malu full form malayalee; one who comes from the state of kerala in southern india. Usually either hindu, muslim or christian. Speaks the language malayalam. One of the illest type of desi's around, malu's are madd chill.

Yoo son that kid you was kickin wit was definitly malu; he was brown n mad coo


One who is from the state of Kerala in southern India. A Malu is usually Christian, or possibly Hindu or Muslim. Malus are pretty chill and love to drink and have fun, they are a fun loving awesome species!

Yo that cat is malu, I can tell cuz he rocks that bad as cross and he's Indian. I wish I was Malu.


short form for the word malayalee. malayalees refer to themselves as malus. malus come from the southern indianstate of kerala. kerala is also known as "God's own country". people from kerala are generally relaxed and love to have fun. we malus love punjabis, gujuratis, tamilians, bengalis, pakistanis, sri lankans, etc etc... our people do not hate unless hated on. malus are natural born fighters (see: kalaripayattu)or wikipedia it.

we love to eat all kinds of food. we like "chor" = rice; "mean curry" = fish; "beef curry"; "chicken curry"; hot pickle; popperdam; "biriyani" = rice w/ chicken or beef or vegetable.

malus dance to bhangra and sometimes to tamil music and even malu songs if good enough and party hard. malus always look out for other malus. malus are a very tight knit group of indians and they treat each other like best friends even if they dont know them that well. all malus know that the REAL Ludakrishna and MC Vikram were the firstMALUrappers haha.

"malus are always the life of the party."

"that malu chick is hot."

"i know that guy. he's malu isn't he?"

"malu people are so chill."

"malu guys get all the girls."

"have you heard of the "malayalee hit squad"? they real, i saw them at the club.

"shoot i saw them at fokana! they party hard yo"

"they the real khiladiz (players)!"

"some malu guys type on slangdefine when they are bored and listening to their malu girlfriend complain about some sari and/or salwar some other indian chick stole from her and wore to some malu and/or indian program."

"sometimes i go on facebook or myspace and rarely on friendster."

"i used to want to be a computer engineer and/or doctor."

See cool, india, punjabi, paki, pakistani, guju, tamil, pakistanis, sri lankans, desi, indians, gangster, pimp, soldiers, warriors, christian, love, god, jesus, hindu, muslim, hinduism, islam, buddhism, malayalam, malayalee


Short for Malayalee, a person from Kerala, India -- most beautiful place in the world. Malus are laid-back and fun-loving people and usually very smart. A lot of them are Christians, Hindus, Muslism, even some Jews. But it doesn't matter what religion or caste they are, Malus always got each other's back.

Famous Malus:

Arundhati Roy, a Booker Prize winner

Mohanlal, actor

John Abraham, actor

"John Abraham is so hot!"

"Yeah, it's because of his Malu genes."

See malu, malayalee, kerala, indian


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