Malvern Prep

What is Malvern Prep?


A lesser prep school. Known as Malvern, it is located in the middle of nowhere and is frequently the site of Amish mafia raids. Students of the school often arm themselves with weapons to protect against such attacks, but are more often too inept at physical action to move out of the way.

When looking for a real prep school, students apply in massive numbers to the Prep School of champions, Saint Joseph's Prep. Located in Philly, the students need not weapons to protect themselves, for the school has professional ninjas hired permanently as bodyguards. Since all the talented people come to the Prep, it owns all other schools in academics and athletics.

Parents, don't wuss out and send your child to a lesser school. Send your child where they deserve it. The Prep. Home of the Pirate Mixer, where there's twenty sexy girls who want to go all the way to every guy. Now that you know, don't make a mistake. Because knowing is half the battle.

Dude, I visited this Malvern place yesterday. They molested me and stole my wallet.

Oh, that sucks. You should visit the Prep! They gave me free tickets and show me how to use them to get girls with!

Tickets to where?

Tickets to the gun show!


Dude, I malverned your sister last night.

Aww, man. You capped her in the knee and slapped her with your wang?

Naw, that was yesterday when I O'Haraed her.

Oh, so you screwed a man and then made my sister give you a blowjob?

Yeah, that's it.


Damn, after one year at Malvern, I'd rather eat out a donkey than stay here.

I know, man. I wish my parents loved me and had sent me to the Prep instead of this trashhole.


1: established for the sole purpose that not all guys can get into Devon 2: place where where parents pay $20,000 + a year to let their son/s discover they are gay 3: refer to John Adams High (Corey Matthew's former highschool)

Malvern has a tremendous chair to student ration, 1/4, each chair is plaed upside down and seets 4 students


a homosexual rich school where guys exchange rim jobs

my anus is sore from visiting malvern las t nite, and my wallet is now empty


cock sucking factory

gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gulp


Best school on the planet. We could just suck each others dicks all day and we'd still be cooler than other schools because at the end of the day we sucked each others dicks................AT MALVERN PREP.

+ nobody likes devon prep kids if it were the eighties you'd all be playing dungeons and dragons. LOSERS

We are too sweet, too be


In the end, Great Valley HS is the place to be. EVERY main line private school is full of rich preps who have nothing better to do than spend their daily allowance on 2 pounds of marijuana and crash their fourth Hummer. So every Devon Prep kid and Malvern Prep kid who feels the need to debate over slangdefine which school is better, just stop. Because you're all just rich snobs with nothing better to do.

Hey look at those kids driving the Mustangs and snorting coke! They must go to Malvern Prep or some main line prep school.

See main line, devon prep


look at these fucking fags who one what? two games last football season and who have a gay nigger that goes to there school and sux there cocks after they go to the hockey games which is the only sport theyre good at...theyre all a bunch of fucking cuntbags with small dicks

their pussies are so tight that they have to be eaten out the ass


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