Man Boobs

What is Man Boobs?



Man, he has bOOBS...


You morons are all fucking stupid. Gynecomastia comes in two forms, one is caused by obesity where sometimes the fat stores in the chest area, creating breasts in fat men. The other one is caused by a hormone imbalance in men that causes breast tissue to form underneath the nipple area, so even if you are skinny, you can have big boobs. Don't feel bad if you have it, as there is a cure. Most plastic surgeons generally charge $1000-$5000 dollars to do a glandular excision and/or liposcution in that area, removing them.

Many celebrities have it too, like Simon Cowell, for example.

Don't let anybody push you down for having man boobs. Beat their asses or something for twisting your nipples, that's the only way they learn.


large jelly like saddle bags that sway in the breeze

dave . . . are you on hormone replacement therapy or something because they are fucking massive

See paul


Breasts on a man, either caused by being overweight or having a hormonal imbalance.

Check out the man boobs on Liam R! He needs a bra!

Dude: Hey, Liam, you need a bra, man.

Liam R: Actually, I'm wearing one, just underneath my third roll of fat! Wanna see?

See boobs, man, fat, liam, bobs, moobs, moobies




Inflected forms: pl.Huge Nipples p2. Men with knockers 1. A human male that possesses either of two milk-secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman; the human mammary gland.

Holy Shit! Max Zdrada has some huge man boobs!

After the gay strip club, we saw drag-queens (Men with huge Knockers).


A lot of estrogen in a male produces pectorals nearing female proportions.

Damn Taichi, have you been taking estrogen because you have man boobs?! Put some 22's on that sumbitch!

See tittays, titties, tits, breast, milk, mammary, suck, yummy


Guys: if your titties are bigger than Jenna Jameson's LAY OFF THE KRISPY KREMES AND START DOING PUSH UPS!

That fatass got the biggest man boobs ever!


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