Man On The Moon

What is Man On The Moon?


Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon's surface, in the Sea of Tranquility, at 0256 GMT, on 21 July 1969.

We can put a man on the moon, but can we put one on (here insert the name of the person you want to make fun of)?

See neil, armstrong, 1969, yorrick hunt


When in the process of showing someone your ass aka "mooning", you proceed to tuck your penis so it pokes out between your ass cheeks. Thus the penis is the man who's hanging out on the moon.

Hah! How do you like my man on the moon!

See moon, on, man, the, space, moonlight, ass, anus


When having sex with a chick and you are doing her from behind, right before you "finish", you take a flag with your name on it and stick it into her ass hole and as you finish you yell out "I'm the man on the moon!".

Guy1: "Last night I conquered new territory, I took that fine ass home and planted my flag!"

Guy2: "Dayam man! You pulled a man on the moon on her ass!"


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