
What is Manalyze?


Comes from the combination of: "Man" and "Analyze" to form "Manalyze"

For one man to check-out another guy, in a non- homosexualman to simply see if he has any competion with the ladies or if the man is a threat.

Note: Manalyzing can only be applied in a non-homosexual way. The action of manalyzing should only be done with a simple glance, and staring could result in people accusing you of practicing homosexuality.

John: Why did you just look at that guy over there?

Jack: Just manalyzing, dont want him to go after Casey over there.

(Manalyzing = to Manalyze)

See look, at, brad, pitt, threat, punk, sexy, buff


(Adj): To check out an attractive female from head to toe.

A man analysis.

Hey Jim, have you should manalyze the hottie at twelve o'clock?

See analyze, scope, man, drool, hottie


using a male friend to decode something your boyfriend/husband said or did.

I called Jeff to manalyze why my boyfriend freaked when I met his mother.

See analyze, relationship, boyfriend, confusion, men


Man+analyze. To sit around and dissect every little thing a guy says/does/thinks/etc.

After her date, Holly was perplexed by the guy's actions. She called her best friend and said, "Come over, I need to manalyze."

See man, analyze, girl talk, chat


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