
What is Manbaby?


Men, usually aged 12-22, who (a) are chubby/sweaty or (b) were assembled poorly in the womb and who, instead of making up for their lack of striking physical attractiveness by being funny, fun, interesting or down-to-earth will instead use any and all opportunities to put themselves down (especially in the presence of the opposite sex), stand in corners at parties, avoid conversations with friends at parties or take other measures in an attempt to get noticed. Manbabies are completely and utterly unable to grasp the idea that the pity points they earn from the occassional girl is not a sexual advance of any kind and will do nothing to improve their chances with a female. The behavior of manbabies at parties is as an enormous disservice to their friends, who must put up with the fact that they have a whiney, emotional, irrationally depressed and hopelessly romantic manbaby to worry about while they themselves are trying to meet girls. Tend to listen to a lot of angsty music (ie: Linkin Park, Slipknot) and are frequently heard describing how terrible they are with women.

"Oh crap, Johnny's standing in the corner being a manbaby again."

"Dammit! He always does this whenever we go out."

See Scott


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