
What is Manc?


Inhabitant of the city of Manchester.

Any houmourless twat with a dodgy weave and inabilty to say words such as; paper, tenner or anything ending with ER.

See Gaz


An Inhabitant of the English city known as Manchester. Usually of low intelligence or morals and mainly inbred. due mainly because of the slum housing and council estates most mancs spend most of their time committing crimes to subsidise their drug habit.

Officially according to home office reports Manchester has the highest crime rate in England and is also home to some of the countries worse criminals

Dr Shipman

Ian Bradey

Myra Hindley

Mick Hucknall

See manc, scum, crime, slum, inbred


hails from the city of manchester but displays an unhealthy obsession with the people of liverpool. often found sporting disasterous liam gallagher hair-do's, ill-fitting liam gallagher parka's, and generally walks like the have a fist lodged up their back passage. they think this peculiar gait adds to their "scally" charm. mostly found in the trafford centre.

liam gallaher

ian brown

bee gees


An inhabitant of Manchester, officially the most run down, smelly and rat infested city in the UK.

Statistically, it has been proven that all Mancs can be put into at least one of the following five catagories (although some fit all):

1) Junkie

2) Rapist

3) Paedophile

4) Pikey

5) Slut

Limited by a tiny gene pool, Mancs spend their time robbing, shooting, taking drugs and having sex with children. As well as being cursed with incredibly annoying nasal voices, they are stunted in growth by years of inbreeding.

Famous Mancs:

Howard Shipman, Bernard Manning, Terry Christian, Mick Hucknall, Myra Hindley, Ian Brady

See junkie, pikey, paedophile, murderers


Most certainty one of the most hated parts of the United Kingdom. If anyone wonders were all the drug abusers etc… come from then look no further than Manchester (usually the moss side area). Most of them are usually racist and don’t have jobs but continue to give other parts of the UK negative comments.

Theirs the manc bastard, fucking kill him now before he gets away with my car. Oh shit them kappa tracky bottoms are hurting my eyes and he got away


scummy lil fuckers who use words like mint and think there boss most of them have moved out of manchester beacuse of the immigrants moving into manchester

mint man


See manc, mint


Manchester is the biggest shit hole on the planet and the people who populate it are the reason why. Terrible thick sounding accent and scruffy chav clothing

Be sure to visit Salford and Gorton they are both lovely places NOT!

"Hello I am a Manc, I am robbing chav scum"


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