What is Mancation?
When normal males engage in "guy" activities that involve sports, camping, gambling, chasing women and most of all drinking amongst their all and only male friends. No wives, mistresses or girlfiends allowed. Done in order ot get in touch with their male-primal roots.
Jack and I hiked 25 miles to trout fish in the Sierras. With many beers and stories, it made for the perfect Mancation.
Beer, golf, beer, poker, beer, fire, beer, meat, beer, laughs, beer, horseshoes, beer, shuffleboard, beer, bunkhouse, beer, outhouse, beer, beer and beer.
50 of my closest friends and I gather each year at a camp in the Allegheny Forest for beer, golf, beer, poker, beer, fire, beer, meat, beer, laughs, beer, horseshoes, beer, shuffleboard, beer, bunkhouse, beer, outhouse, beer, beer and beer. In other words, the perfect mancation.
A combo of Man and Vacation. It's when you plan a vacation with all your bro's and leave the nagging wives, girlfriends, late night bootie calls all back at home and get piss drunk, hook up with some
Hey bro, my girl is buggin.....Let's plan mancation in Vegas and get stupid retard like we're riding the yellow bus.
Mancation is an annual event that combines beer, steak dinners, beer, hiking & biking, beer, several rounds of golf, beer, and never reading a map or asking for directions with a group of guys who have been frineds for years. Ultimately, it's not entirely impossible to be eaten by a bear.
Larry, Chris & Bill spent fives day in Nashville for Mancation 2005.
When 3+ married men leave their wives for a weekend to fuck each other only to say they were doing something less gay.
Three top CEO's from AIG took a mancation to get away from it all.
Main Entry: man·ca·tion
Pronunciation: mān-ˈkā-shən
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Definition 1: A
I can't wait to go to my yearly Mancation at the leather and cigar festival, I hope all my "friends" make it.
When a guy goes on a vacation sometimes with his guy friends, but without the
I needed some sun and fun so I told my wife I was going on a golfing mancation.