
What is Man-gina?


Mangina or Man-gina would be gay slang for anus, ass or man-cunt. Often used on the leather scene but on the whole it is a generic term for a guy's butt hole.

that guy gets so much action his man-gina is like a inner tube.

See Clipper


when a man puts his dick between his legs and it looks like a vagina

u have a man-gina...stupid bo

See Alexandra


An illusion where a man "tucks his stuff" (i.e., hides his genitalia between his legs) thereby giving his pubic region the apperance of that of a female's.

The insane popularity of this trick is usually traced to (credited to or blamed on) the 1991 Jonathan Demme movie "The Silence of the Lambs"

"I saw a man-gina contest on spring break in mexico ... they had 5 drunk guys tuck in their stuff and drop trou on stage."

See mangina, man-gyna, genitalia


The correct pronunciation of the New York Jets Coach Eric Mangini's last name. After being a NE Patriots coach, he is now whining about how the Pats' coaches analyze the competition.

Eric Man-gina is bitching about how wrong it is to bend the rule he bends, what a tool.

See football, new england patriots, crybaby, cry baby


man vagina

his man-gina hurts

See woody


A male who plays a female character in a game, or who pretends to be a female while on the internet at any time.

Bob: I play a female character because i prefer to look at something good while I play.

Jim: You play a man-gina? I'd rather play a male character because I'd rather play the game, anyway, girlfriends are much better imo.

See drag role player, female, male, mmorpg, internet


A man whore, a guy who sleeps around a lot, be it gay or straight.

Damn, thats the 8th girl Frank has been with today, what a man-gina!

See whore, slut, man-whore


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