What is Manly Man?
A man who is comforable in his own skin, but doesn't use skin care products. Someone who drives a vehicle with "muscle" But knows where to draw the line. i.e.- you won't need a ladder to get in. A man who loves women, but not all at the same time. *see playa. Protective but not overly aggresive. Prefers big dogs over cats. Masculine sans machismo. Hetero sexual, period. Soap? Irish Spring, of course.
Brad Pitt is not a manly man but George Clooney and Paul Newman are.
A man who is so manly, hes a manly man, Us manly men rule the world with our manly men powers.
Person:Hey Dude your so such a manly man.
Me: Yes, i know im so manly man.
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