
What is Man-pon?


Man-pon: a tightly wound paper towel or toilet paper approximately 6 inches in length that is placed between the ass cheeks to prevent... leakage. Developed in the mid-90's in response to the use of "O-lean" vegetable oil substitute which caused anal leakage in many subjects. When "O-lean" was no longer found in food products, the Man-Pon was nearly eradicated from the shelves until recently with the emergence of "Alli" a supplement that is taken for weightloss which causes a person to bypass all fats through their GI tract, resulting in a drippy anus.

I have diarrhea and allergies... I should put in a Man-Pon to prevent any accidents from sneezing.

See manpon, man-pon, anal, leakage, shitass, diarrhea


To insert a towel or wash rag of some sort in ones rectal cheeks to prevent a shart and/or liquidy number 2's

One is out all night drinking and partying and has visited the bathroom more then once experiencing explosive diarea, thats when a MAN-pon comes in handy.. it is keeping it from leakage.

See tampon, rag, towel


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