Mantis Comics

What is Mantis Comics?


A comic industry and production studio made by Sean Cook. It started around 2002 with the lineup consisting of,

Sean Cook: Animation

Oscar Bole: Story

Kadir Halil-Shah: Art Supervisor

Ed Sparrow: Story Supervisor

Since then the lineup has changed to 2 people and is sometimes referred to by more serious enthusiasts as MantisJD comics since it teamed up with JD comics. The lineup is

Sean Cook: Story

Rory Donaldson: Art

Rory Donaldson is the creator of JD comics.

Mantis has produced various graphic novels ranging from heavy violence to comedy. Some of these are:

Carnage Comix

Dark Path

Funny Dude, Weird Dude, and Dasder (he appears in the later comics)


Over the rain

Stick Mafia

Also recently mantis comics have turned themselves towards animations

go to mantis-comics for more info

mantis comics inc.

See mantis, comics, animation, funny, dude, red


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