
What is Manuel?


Originally coming from Hebrew, as most of the names finished in -EL (God). Manuel means "God is with us".

Very common in Spanish-speaking countries, but also in other countries in a similar form (e.g. Emmanuel in Italy).

Manuel es un gran amigo mio

Translation: Manuel is a good friend of mine


the most amazing person ever.stands up for what he believes in and doesn't let anyone tell him what to do.greatest dancer(:

will never be forgotten.

hard headed but has the sweetest heart.

wouldn't change anything about him

Manuel murillo


In guatemala, a "manuel" is similar to saying a tight ass or a stingy person. So pretty much is someone who doesnt like to spend a lot of money and thinks everything is expensive. They want discounts on everything.

Why are you charging me gas money to take me 5 blocks over. Stop being such a manuel.

See tight ass, stingy, codo, greedy, selfish


A stupid puerto rican who think's he is god's gift to women, but in reality he is extremely far from it. His disgustingly cocky attitude makes you want to stab him in the eye with a fucking knife. He isn't curcumcized, but he won't tell you that, because he is ashamed of it. Which he should be. That's just gross. Like seriously? Get that shit fixed. He constantly looks at himself in the mirror, and complains he is fat all the time. How about not being such a fucking women and grow a pair, you dumbfuck. He has no intelligence whatsoever, the only thing he is good at or knows anything about is conning people and feeding them bullshit. Occasionally he will give you this dumbfounded look that makes you want to beat his face in with a lead pipe. He trys to be sweet and romantic to women, but everything he does is cheesy and typical. Instead of making you feel special you feel uncomfortable and awkward. So in return he just looks desperate and pathetic. I swear he never brushes his teeth, half the time his breath smells like shit and throw up that was baked in the sun for three days. He feels no real emotions, he truely is a sociopath. Women this is the honest truth. Stay away from any guy named Manuel who perfers to be called "Manny", espically if their last name is Estrada. I want to pour acid all over my body for ever touching him, and you will to.

"I'm so glad I don't date Manuel anymore, he made my life hell."

See manuel, estrada, manny, spic, puerto rican


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