Manute Bol

What is Manute Bol?


v. To cockblocksomeone. This technique is commonly employed by males and females alike, and victims tend to more often be friends than enemies of whoever is Manute Bol for the night. Technique varies widely, as do motives, though Manuting most commonly occurs out of competition (usually in males) or protection (usually females). Manute holds records for blocking shots, and if you're not careful, he'll block you too!

Pat Manute Boled me by hitting on the same breezyI was talking to.

Pat was Manuted by the girl's overly concerned friend.

See cockblock, player hate, block, hate, Manute Bol


1. basketball player who blocked the most shots per minute ever

2. in foosball when 7 sequential, defensive blocks occur (fooses) between two adjacent opposing lines of players

foose, foose, foose, foose, foose, foose, manute bol. bitch!

See bol, foosball, shot block, foose


7 sequential, defensive blocks (fooses) in foosball between two adjacent opposing lines of players.

foos, foos, foos, foos, foos, foos, MANUTE BOL!!!!!!!!

See foosball, blocking


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