
What is Manville?


A place in Waukon, Iowa where gay boys get each other in the butt. They use women as a cover up, but we all know the truth. They think they are better than everyone else, but really they are nothing. They walk around like their shit don't stink. There is nothing cute about them or their little fantasy world called "Manville" which should be called "Fagville."

Hey! Lets go down to Manville... I mean Fagville!

See homos, gay, dumb, ugly, stupid


A small town located in central New Jersey. It is approximately 2 square miles and is divided into 6 sections, all seperated by railroad tracks:

1. North Side

2. South Side

3. Weston

4. Little Weston

5. The Valley

6. Clairmont

The North Side is known for having a majority of Manville's schools including Manville High School, Roosevelt School, Alexander Batcho Intermediate School, and Chirst the King..which all suck at all sports except Track and Field.

The Valley is known for its constant flooding.

Other than that, the town is just another dot on the map.

John: Hey, want to go to Manville later to see a football game?

Hank: No way man, their team can't win for shit.

John: Okay, let's just go watch Immaculata win then.

See manville, new jersey, valley, north side, south side, weston


a small town located in new jersey.

it is know for its polish population but has recently seen an increase of latinos and african americans.

manville has four main areas: the north side

the south side


and the valley

the poorest people live in the valley because they cant afford houses not located in a flood zone.

the best place to live is undoubtly the south side with its best little market and memorial park.

manville is also famous for its WALMART, ARBYS and its terrible schools.

M: hey. your dumb. where did you go to school?

T: Manville High.

M: where do you live?

T: the valley.

M: oh, so you're poor and stupid?

See jersey, mexican, black, ghetto, dumb


a camping place in waukon, iowa. where the beer flows like wine, and the women are soooo fine.

Hey, let's go down to Manville this weekend!

See neat, cool, righteous


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