
What is Many?


quantity in number

1) there are many things in this room


greater then 5

that guy is many stoopids

See pooner


A 'many', can be anything which will eventually or will soon be positive. A 'many' is used in connection with another word(adj) for example 'booze', 'munch', 'chat', 'sex/shag/bone'. This word is often used when its users are drunk/or are trying to be cool. This often leads to the opposite effect which is highly undesirable

Boy: "Am hungry"

Girl: "mm, mee too :( "

Boy: "want to go for something to eat, marcans?"

Girl: "aye, i would like some chips,"

Boy: "fine munch"

Girl: "Many!"

See many, munch, fine, booze, nads


Not many, quat, sometimes none or lats.

I like you many times.

I've many done my Textbook Steve outers.

See Boys


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