
What is Manyard?


a. To be cockblocked by the person's boy/girlfriend.

b. A man that wears a lot of jewelery/flashing ornamints to attract someone/attention.


1. "Damn, I'd be all over that cutie if her boyfriend didn't have his manyard on display."

2. "Tommy tried to dance with that girl, but his girlfriend grabbed him by the manyard."


1. "Bill has a buttload of manyards on tonight, he must be desperate tonight!"

2. "LOL, look at 50 Cent with all them manyards on in this video..."

See cockblock, flirt, flirtationship, lanyard, lol, jewelry, show off, peacocking


A manyard is the place between ur underwear and ur trousers or shorts

why's ur hand down ur boxers

there not there in my manyard

See man, yard, boxers, trousers, shorts


A word used to define a man/woman, who likes more than one person at a time/dating more than one person at a time.

plural - menyards

"That manyard is ditchingme for one of those guys she likes again."

"stupid menyards."

See manyerd, backed up, juggling, loveya


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