
What is Manzilla?


A ferocious man-bitch. Derived from a combination of man and godzilla. They bear a striking resemblance to a man/godzilla hybrid. These women are easily mistaken as professional football players, lumberjacks, dump trucks, etc. Highly likely to kick your ass in a fight. Prime examples can be found in female weight lifting competitions. However, these weight lifting women represent the fiercest varieties of the manzilla and not the average everyday garden variety.

MALES BEWARE: Sometimes they are NOT lesbian as would be expected. Use extreme caution when imbibing in alcoholic beverages in the presence of a hetero manzilla. Some still have the basic parts common to all women and alcohol could impair your judgement. Also, it is highly likely that the hetero manzilla has been deprived of male attention for some time. Because of this they are extremely likely to overpower all but the strongest men and force intercourse. DO NOT think that you can fight them off. You MUST remain acutely aware of your surroundings and have fully functioning judgement and motor skills to escape.

Engaging in any type of sexual activity with a manzilla (heterosexual or otherwise) will probably result in significant bruising, internal injuries, and anal bleeding.

Example 1:

No sir, i have not jacked off to the WNBA. i prefer normal girls, not manzillas.

Example 2:

A: Holy shit! What happened to you, man? It looks like you got your ass kicked.

B: I got drunk and ended up having sex with manzilla.

A: Shit, dude. You should see a doctor to rule out any life threatening injuries.


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