
What is Maow?


v. to heavily eat, or tear apart a meal.

to 'maow' out on something

gotdamn! i want to maow on some chicken.

See grub, chow


1. To eat something

2. Another word for food

3. To feel sad or disappointed

Maow can be used in other ways such as maowzers and overmaow.

1. I feel like maowing some chocolate

2. I feel like some maows

3. Maow i cant believe they have no ice cream left!

See maow


One of the sounds that a cat can make. Cats make the 'maow' sound more than the 'meow' sound, so it is more accurately the sound a cat makes. It is also a silly sound, that can be used to annoy people or start a joke.

Me: Oh, such a nice little cat...

Cat: Maow.


Me: Maow. Maow. Maow.

You: Stop that.

See meow, cat, silly, sound


A way to express any sort of feeling.

If someone says something that excites you, you could respond in a excited tone, maow! Same with other emotions.

See ugh, oh, yay, boo, ah


another way to spell meow.

cat goes maow

See meow, maow, moew, cat


Sound that a cat REALLY makes.

A word/sound that a person that usually says stupid things for reason at any time can say.


What the other definitions say.

"Maow," said the disease-ridden, nearly-dead kitty cat.

John:"Hi Paul"

Clyde:"Hi John. How was your day?"

John:"Good. What about yours?"

Clyde:"Good. Very well then"


John:"What the hell was that?"


John:"Oh."(moving on)"Okaaaay....>.>"


The dog maowed the disease-ridden, nearly-dead kitty cat's tail into little strips.

See cat, sound, bark, woof, booger, >.>


to be bored, have nothing to do or to feel sad and depressed

"theres nothing to do i feel so maow!"

See smokey joe


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